

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Postponing the Diet

I have decided to postpone the diet. I ordered the quick start kit for atkins and i will wait til then. :) till then i will make smarter decisions.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

3 days left :)

3 more days till a new year and that means 3 more days till I start my lifestyle change. I am kinda nervous. I can do this for me. On a better note, I have a job interview tomorrow. Its a 2nd interview technically. I find that while I'm tired of being underpaid, I will dearly miss the children if I am offered a job. God has a plan for me. I have to trust and believe that what happens is what should happen.

Starting anew January 1st :)

I have decided to make a important decision. I have been thinking about it for a while and while I have tried in the past, I feel it is important to start now. I am overweight. While my weight doesn't limit me, it is not healthy. I want to loose weight. My mom started Atkins and she has lost 25 lbs. I am proud of her and inspired by her. I am kind of scared because I know myself and discipline is going to be hard for me. Atkins is strict. I know though that I need to do this for myself. I can do this. I need to remember this. Its going to be hard. I am going to try and be as verbal as I can be during this diet. That is another thing, I am not going to call it a diet. I am going to call it a lifestyle change. I am not losing weight to find a man. I am doing this for myself. I wish I could take a picture of me in an "weight loss inspiring outfit" however my definition would be a bikini and I certainly do not have one nor would I want that on my phone or in a place where someone would see it. Just picture if a coworker saw that! Ugh. Step 1 of my plan has already been completed. I ordered the quick start kit. Once I get it I will see if a "cheat sheet" is in it. If it is, this saves me from having to make one of my own. Lets hope it does. Step 2 is to clean out all "atkins forbidden foods" from my cabinets etc. I plan to donate to the food bank :) Step 3 is to start. We will see where it goes from there. Wish me luck :) :) :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas :)

This year Christmas was wonderful. I got a lot of things that I wanted. I am so blessed to have my family and friends around and to have people who care.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

1st Post :)

I have wanted to create a blog for a while now. I found that sometimes it hard to talk to others about how I feel. I feel more comfortable writing it down and leaving it there for someone to stumble across while aimlessly wasting time on the internet. What will this blog be about? My life, all in its glory. Feelings I have, opinions of mine that I need to express. There are issues that I will share. I hope someone will find this. This blog is like my message in a bottle. It is a bottle that has been tossed into the ocean of the internet.